One woman's journey learning about mindset. This book will take you on her journey of how she found out what mindset is, how it affects your life and the life of your family. She will give you the details of what she did to change her mindset and the struggles that came along with it. Learn her techniques and find out that you too have the power and tools to change your mindset; it will not only change your life for the better, it will help you view the future in a more positive way. Let Ellen Scaccio through her words, on these pages, open your eyes and mind to a better, more fulfilling and purposeful life. She will prove her techniques can and will work for you.

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Liz from

“Thank you Ellen for being an inspiration and sharing your experiences to help others and help heal yourself <3 you are amazing~ I’m blessed to have a copy of this special book”

Shelly K

“Inspirational, Encouraging, And Supportive Prose”

An insightful and informative guide to changing one’s own path in life. Ms. Scaccio has given us a step by step itinerary to help her readers explore the possibilities of being actively involved in your life’s journey and inspiration to achieve all that you are meant to.

The start of one woman's journey to change her mindset. She had a lot of doubts about herself, her self-esteem, and her confidence. How would she do this? Could she do this? Mrs. Scaccio knew she had the drive and determination, but sometimes thought, would she have what it takes to change the doubts within herself? Mrs. Scaccio started off small. She said one affirmation a day! That would be easy, right? Sometimes things look easy, but the truth is it gets hard at times. That's okay because that is when we need to learn to dig deep. Mrs. Scaccio made this into a "challenge" for herself and now she wants to help you do the same. She made it work for her and wants to help make it work for you. During this challenge, Mrs. Scaccio found her strength, self-worth, and courage. The start of a great mindset, this book and more are on the horizon! Mrs. Scaccio hopes you take the challenge. Maybe you just need a challenge and not the mindset part. That is okay too, but please never stop challenging yourself. It's how we grow and find out what we are made of.

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An introductory collection of poems that helped in getting through some of the toughest time in her life, this author takes you on her emotional journey of coping with loss and rediscovery.

About the Author

Jennifer Gibaldi is a new and upcoming poet, writer, and author. Raised by a single mom of four, Jennifer was extremely shy growing up and found it difficult to make friends. She learned to read at an early age and immediately fell in love with the owrld of literature. She found comfort in her books, whether it was novels, short stories or poetry. Jennifer faced numerous obstaces in her life, from being bullied in school, to escaping an abusive marriage; Jennifer turned to writing to help cope with her emotions. She writes with heart and passion, drawing on her real-life experiences for inspiration. While this collection of poetry follows only a small path of her journey, Jennifer has other books she is currently working on, and hopes to be able to share them with you soon.

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Michael K.

“Tales of Honesty”

I’m don’t typically read poetry, but curiosity got the better of me when I saw this on my wife’s nightstand and decided to give it a look. Wow! This girl seems honest and touching and real. She’s definitely had her share of heartache throughout her life, but seems to keep it all in perspective and stay grounded for her family. A short, but worthy read!

Tami V.

“This is a great read!!!”

I highly recommend this book!. The author takes you on a journey and you can feel all her emotions pouring out of her words into your soul. You will be happy and sad, in awe and have longing. Finally you will end the journey with self appreciation. We are all perfectly imperfect and it is nice to know we are not alone.

Ellen Scaccio has many hats she wears. Wife, Mother, business owner, and author are just a few. Ellen has written two other books before this, but this poetry book takes you on her journey of her life. Her life is full of ups and downs, but never once did she stop to the point that she couldn’t or wouldn’t go on. It’s about learning to keep going, even when you just don’t want to. There is so much more to keep going, and maybe that will be the next book. People ask me all the time, how do you do it, keep going at times? I guess I never thought I had a choice to just stop. What would happen then? Life wouldn’t stop, just because I didn’t want to play in this world anymore. That is not why I am here. I had to figure out why I am here, what am I supposed to do in this life? I have finally started figuring that out and it’s been a long journey. But now that I have finished this book, I am able to start my next journey, since I have had some help figuring out what I am here for. Keep a look out, more books are coming, and I look forward to your thoughts, comments and questions.

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Jennifer recently participated in a 24-hour worldwide poetry marathon, in which she was challenged with the task of writing and submiting one poem an hour for 24 hours. Proud to have completed the challenge, she took those 24 poems and complied them special for you in this collection. Through vivid imagery and with careful thought, Jennifer invites you to join her on this journey of personal growth and spiritual transformation.

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